Do you need a website?
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Contact phone: +98 9125307424
Why should we have a website?
The advancement of technology and the epidemic of the corona virus made people more willing to shop online. In addition to preventing the spread of disease to a great extent, online shopping is beneficial for both the buyer and the seller.
The seller can display his goods and products to the audience all over the country without having a physical store, and if the audience wants to buy, they can simply send the products.
Buyers no longer need to go to all kinds of stores and companies to view products and services, and they can simply view different products and services at their homes, compare them and, if needed, go to They can easily make their purchase and get the product they want at home.

Social networks or website?
These two are completely different and do not contradict each other. Many users tend to make their purchases from a reliable website, and many of them also trust Instagram pages and make their own purchases.
But a successful business both identifies its audience on social networks such as Instagram and has a reliable and quality website that attracts other audiences interested in buying from the website.
You can use your Instagram page to do the marketing you want on that social network and by introducing your website to your audience, you can encourage them to view the product they want and buy online without any trouble.
A website that is not SEO is like if you have opened a flashy and diverse store in a side street, but you have not installed any signs and entrance doors for it.
How should people who might want to buy from you find out where your store is? How should they enter a store without an entrance door?!
SEO or site optimization is a set of actions that introduce your website to search engines such as Google so that users can find your website by searching for keywords related to your business.
The stronger and more stable a website’s SEO is, the more likely it will be visited by the audience and, as a result, its sales.

Rosha Web site design services
Rosha Web Collection will provide all the services related to website design and social network management from zero to one hundred for you. First of all, please see our website design examples.
Website design with modern systems
Website template design with new technologies
Designing a variety of sites related to your type of activity
SEO and site optimization (upgrade of the site in Google)
has bought
Buy a domain
Virtual website advertising
Increasing the Alexa rank (Alexa rank)
Exclusive graphic design of all website elements